Eye Yoga with Vanessa Vannoy:  Tired eyes can happen to anyone, even children who have not been exposed to screens. The effects can continue for hours after they start, and the more a person exposes their eyes to conditions that induce asthenopia, the worse the symptoms and effects will be.

In cases like these, the symptoms will begin immediately after you start using your eyes for close vision, sometimes making it painful or even impossible to read, focus, or concentrate.


Tired eyes are not isolated to the eye area but are symptomatic of lifestyle environs and habits.  One easy way to relieve tired and stressed eyes is through something we’ve come up with — Eye Yoga!

We teamed up with Vanessa Vannoy to create some easy Eye Yoga based exercises that can greatly help relieve digital eye strain. Here are our three sessions with Vanessa  you can do to help relieve tired eyes and get back some serenity and focus. 

If you would like to read about additional ways to combat tired eyes and digital eye strain read my WellnessCast™ post on how to Relieve Eye Strain with these 5 tips

Many age-related vision problems stem from a gradual loss of flexibility and tone in the eye muscles, which get locked into habitual patterns and lose their ability to focus at different distances. If you have the good fortune of excellent vision, and don’t want to lose it—or, like me, you hope to improve your fuzzy eyesight—evidence suggests that yoga may have a solution.