How many times have you avoided a reminder call or email for your yearly eye exam? Life gets busy and, of course, something more important comes up that day. We get it, honestly. The last two years have been wild for everyone. But it’s time to get back on track for your eye health.

Putting your annual eye exam back into your routine optimizes your vision and provides a vital look at your overall health. We know, your top priority’s sharpening your vision. Annual visits do just that — plus so much more!

Sometimes you might not even notice subtle vision changes, or that an underlying eye condition crept up because you don’t have symptoms. Routine exams detect real-life issues before they become huge problems.

Your eye health tells Dr. Gioia, our optometrist here in Shrewsbury, more than you think. We cover all your eyesight and health needs at Integrative Vision!

Today we’re diving into the top 3 reasons you shouldn’t skip your yearly eye exam. If you’re overdue, don’t worry. Anyday is a good time to check on your vision and eye health!


Eye chart

1. Always Have Sharp Vision with Yearly Eye Exams

Have you noticed blurry vision recently? Maybe it’s time for an update on your glasses or contacts, or your cataracts are getting worse, or you just need bifocals… Whatever your specific situation, let a compassionate eye doctor near you solve any vision problems.

With yearly eye exams, you never have to miss out on seeing your favorite activities. Whether it’s watching your grandchild’s soccer game to reading your favorite book, we all want crisp vision.

Refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism) are the most common reason for blurry vision — and correct easily with contacts or glasses. Annual exams with a skilled eye doctor update your prescription and optimize your vision.

Contact lenses require specific measurements since they sit directly on your eyes. You want a skilled optometrist to take the time to assure your vision and comfort levels are met. Not everyone’s lifestyle fits glasses and we understand that — we’re here to accommodate all your eye care needs.

If you want glasses, tons of styles and varieties are available. Make sure to tell us about your lifestyle and vision goals so we can help you choose the right eyewear for you and your family.

If you haven’t had an eye exam recently, take a few minutes to set up an appointment today to make sure you’re seeing your best!


Woman with glasses

2. Early Detection Prevents Vision Damage

Your optometrist can spot different eye issues or diseases during routine eye exams. From cataracts (a normal aging process) to more serious eye conditions that threaten your vision, you want to know what’s going on in there, right? With yearly monitoring, you’re protecting your eyesight for the long haul.

Unfortunately, many diseases don’t show symptoms until after they damage your eyes.

Annual exams give eye doctors the ability to monitor conditions for changes and prevent harm. Glaucoma, for example, doesn’t have any symptoms. If undetected, it can cause permanent damage to your optic nerve, causing vision loss.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) affects the retina and can also threaten your vision. It’s found on eye exams early with technological advancements, like detailed pictures to show doctors specific details. Early detection and close monitoring of ARMD prevent further vision damage.

Routine eye exams set you up for a lifetime of clear vision and prevent serious eye diseases from progressing. The eyecare technology in our office is state of the art and gives our optometrist detailed information on your eye health.


3. Catch Serious Health Issues with Consistent Eye Exams

A routine eye exam can detect over 270 systemic or chronic conditions. We can’t overemphasize the importance of routine eye exams because your vision is only one aspect of it. (We know it’s a super important one). But your overall health matters and impacts your eye health too.

We can catch serious medical conditions, like diabetes and high blood pressure, on an eye exam!

Optometrists see tiny blood vessels optometrists that let them know about your overall health. Skilled use of technology can even detect issues like high cholesterol and cancer. (Imagine the life-changing implications, just for a minute!)

Think of annual exams as preventative care for your overall health and eyesight. You go to your yearly physicals and get a slew of tests when you reach a certain age. Eye exam over a colonoscopy, anyone? Jokes aside, keeping you healthy and seeing well depends on multiple factors.

If you’re interested in pairing preventive eye care and nutrition, tell Dr. Gioia at your visit. She’s passionate about exceeding your vision expectations and providing nutritional information if you’re curious.


Eye exam equipment

How often should you have eye exams?

According to the American Optometric Association:

Age (years) Low-Risk High-Risk
Birth – 2 1 Exam Between 6-12 months 1 Exam At 6-12 months
3-5 At least 1 exam between ages 3-5 At least 1 exam between ages 3-5
6-17 Before 1st grade and every year after Before 1st grade and every year after or as recommended
18-39 At least every two years Annually/per recommendation
40-64 At least every two years Annually/per recommendation
65 + Annually Annually/per recommendation

What does low and high risk mean? This depends on multiple factors, like your specific health conditions, family eye history, race, and more. Find out your risk level by seeing a great eye doctor, like ours!


Let Integrative Vision Handle All Your Eye Care Needs

Integrative Vision isn’t your normal eye doctor’s office. From the moment you walk in, you feel the difference. Our staff are dedicated eye care professionals ready to serve and support your vision needs.

When it’s time for your annual exam, doesn’t it sound better to go to someone you trust? Or what if you’re experiencing a problem? You don’t want just anyone in charge of your eye health — you want a dedicated optometrist near you.

Dr. Gioia provides exceptional eye care and proudly serves the Shrewsbury community she loves and calls home. You don’t have to dread going to the eye doctor with us.