Going back to school with the new COVID-19 reality is no joke for parents, or kids. In many cases it means remote learning, and that requires a lot of screen time and digital blue light exposure. Dr. Neda Gioia teamed up with Dr. Kirti Patel from Beyond 2020 and Michelle Esten from Elle Eat Kids to discuss the effect of blue light on the eyes and practical, helpful and simple tips on how to mitigate it and keep everyone healthy.

The Speakers

Watch the Webinar below

Special Downloads & Take Aways

1. Michelle Esten’s Free Recipe Booklet

Kids’ eyes can be strengthened through the diet to protect against blue light and Michelle Esten from Elle Eat Kids has been working with teaching the kids the importance of nutrition.  She has prepared a special mini recipe booklet for you to try out at home. Nutrient dense, these dishes easy to prepare while being very tasty.

To find out more about Michelle’s cooking classes for kids, visit her website.


1. Print at Home Quick Reference Blue Light Tip Sheet

Valuable information is fleeting on the internet.  As a result, we remember bits and forget the big picture.  Fortunately we’ve made managing blue light exposure and digital device use easy as can be with our printable PDF tip sheet.

It will be helpful as a tool that you can pin up anywhere you and your kids do work on computers.